Today is big day #2! Activation! We get the external pieces to Shiloh's implant and we turn it on to see what kind of responses he will get. They say - not to expect a lot - so of course I'm expecting the world. (Insert nervous laugh). They say that kids react in a various ways - crying, laughing, scared, or may ignore the sound (as they don't know what it is)....My bet is initially Shi will cry and then be happy and not stop babbling.
In the beginning the sound to him will be more like a digital beep. Then as he gets used to the processor and we continuously work with him to teach him what he's hearing it will begin to sound normal.
Of course, there is the possibility that he doesn't hear anything. But let's think about that after today. Okay?
I wasn't sure if I could post anything before this I am a bundle of nerves. But I had to share with everyone Mikayla's 'playlist' of things for Shiloh to first hear.
Sunday I had a conversation with her that took place throughout the day. I was explaining that on Tuesday we were going to get the external processor and 'turn it on'.
"Mommy, then Shiloh will hear us?"
"We hope so Mik."
She then asked if she could 'make the decisions' on what he hears first. Deciding to go with it, and not inform her that we will be with him for hours before getting her, she continued with her playlist of things Shiloh could hear.
All these songs are from a show that we watch at least 2 times a day - The Electric Company. A family friend is the music director for the show and got us into it. The easiest way to make the connection to Mikayla was that 'Billy wrote the music and songs in the show.' Her response (because at 3 years old the world revolves around you) - "He wrote all these songs for me?" Not one to break a little girl's heart - 'Well, sure baby, for you and for a lot of other little boys and girls to listen to.' She responded with confidence 'but mostly for me.'
The first thing my daughter wants her blueberry to hear? "Silent E is a Ninja".
"Okay, baby, why do you want Shiloh to hear this song before Mommy can tell him she loves him?" I was sure I could win this arguement with her...what was I thinking.
"Because Mommy," (....get ready for this people....) "Silent E will give Shiloh Hope.' Man, what a beautiful little girl (watch the video!)....but of course there was more than that....
Video of Silent E is a Ninja
"And Mommy, because Shiloh is a ninja." Well of course - why didn't I think of that?
The second thing Mikayla wants Shiloh to hear? Is it 'I love you' from Mommy? Nooooo, it's "Knock on that door." Another song from the show.
Video of Knock on That Door
"Okay Mik, why does Mommy have to wait to tell Shiloh she loves him, so he can hear knock on that door first?" Surely I can not lose this arguement.
"Because Mommy! It's a maaaaaagic door. And Shiloh is maaaaagic. And I want him to knock on my door before he comes in. And the girl in it is so pretty and she should marry Shiloh."
"Oh now hold up a minute, girl, that's my boy - he's not marrying anyone!"
"Okay, Mommy, I won't let him marry her if he can listen to this before you tell him you love him."
"Deal!" Whoa, wait - did she really just trick me into that! MAN! She's good. It took me a couple minutes to realize that though - once I did, I had to sneak in my negotiation...
"Okay, after Knock on that Door can mommy tell her little man she loves him?"
"Welllllll Mommy...." No longer feeling confidence in my persuasion skills over a 4 year old I brought in the big guns....
"We'll get ice cream after lunch today with your cousins!"
"Deal Mommy." Man, I'm good. I was so proud of myself. Ha!
At the end of the night, after we watched those two videos about 20 times each - and Mikayla made her video singing for me - she remembered one other "very important thing" for Shiloh to hear.
"Mommy, let's get serious for a minute. Let's talk about this." Yea, she talks like this.
"Okay Mik, what do we need to talk about?"
"Mommy, we have to work on the rest of the things for Shiloh to hear. They are important."
"Okay Babe, 1st is Silent E, then Knock on that Door, then Mommy's turn, and then what would you like him to hear?"
"We have to let him hear Hard G and Soft G" Now, just picture me sitting on the living room floor with Shiloh crawling all over me and Mikayla has her hands cupping my face and is intently focusing on me and looks serious as a surgeon. Yea, it was hard not to laugh.
"Yes, of course, we have to let him hear Hard G and Soft G, why is that so important to you Mikayla?" What philosophical statement is my baby girl about to make? She quickly changes her posture and facial expression to a smile and a sway.
"Because it's the first song my Billy wrote for me, it reminds me of You Nork City." I did laugh out loud at this point. And while I got up to play the video for her - at her request - I couldn't stop laughing. First of all, she's never been to You Nork City - or more widely known as New York City. Second of all, clearly Billy did not write this song for Mikayla. And most importantly, why is it 'my Billy'? Ha!!! But I'll go with it.
Video of Hard G, Soft G
Mikayla has been an amazing rock through out all this. Her positivity is astounding and her love for Shiloh is so real and heart warming. She is very protective of his hearing aids - and is sure to tell anyone - that they are 'the most important thing ever.' She does 'therapy' with Shiloh, she dotes on him, she talks to him, she's perfect too. She has also been able to stay pretty on target with this whole process. Understanding when he can and can not hear, and I really believe she gets the impact of this implant. The Electric Company is so important and brings so much joy to my child that she wants it to be one of the first thing she shares with her brother. The Electric Company will forever be close to our hearts.
Of course, I did have to remind Mikayla that Shiloh may not hear, that it's still a possibility.
She responded with a confident, "Yes, he will mommy." You can't argue with that.
But she continued with..."If he doesn't hear us at first, we'll keep trying, and then if he never hears us, we'll just love him like he is." Wow.
Her next question was "Why are you crying Mommy?"
"Girl, you are amazing and I am so lucky."
"Yea, Mommy, you really are."
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